- Contentful Venue

CMS Improvements for
Efficient Restaurant Introductions


Improving the Restaurant
Experience: A CMS Solution

In the world of technology, usability and user experience are crucial to the success of any project. In this regard, the CMS system "Contentful" had significant deficiencies in terms of ease of use for editors who wanted to introduce restaurants on a website that offers editorial reviews of restaurants worldwide. In this project, we aimed to improve this situation by implementing enhancements to the platform, with the goal of achieving an effective introduction of restaurants.

CMS Woes: Inefficiencies
in Restaurant Introduction

Before the enhancements were implemented in Contentful, introducing restaurants to web pages was a complicated and tedious task for editors. The system had deficiencies in terms of ease of use, which made it difficult to effectively incorporate information, including the correct location, phone number, and map for each restaurant. This resulted in an unsatisfactory experience for end users, who could not access relevant and up-to-date information about the restaurants they were interested in.

Interviews with editors
led to a new and improved Contentful interface for restaurant introductions

We conducted research and analysis to understand editors' needs, and used this information to create wireframes and diagrams for a new, more efficient Contentful interface. We designed a new information architecture, created new specific fields, and improved the usability of the platform, resulting in a more effective introduction of restaurant information. The new platform allows editors to input detailed restaurant information more efficiently and quickly, with a clearer and more organized interface. These improvements have resulted in a higher quality user experience.




Layout and wireframing

Interviews with editors were crucial to the design process, providing valuable insights that helped identify pain points and guide our design decisions. The information gathered from the interviews ensured the final product was tailored to editors' needs.

The layout and information architecture were crucial to the project's success. Creating a clear and organized structure helped prioritize content and simplify the design process, resulting in a smooth user experience. Check out the Diagram Process


Hi Fi Design

Creating Figma components, based on the page's design system, was a crucial part of the design process, facilitating a fluid workflow. Designing and reusing common components streamlined the process and improved efficiency. This ensured consistent design elements and enabled quick, easy changes throughout the project.

The improved Contentful
platform provides an efficient and user-friendly experience for restaurant introductions

In conclusion, the Contentful improvement project for effective restaurant introduction solved an important problem for editors and end users. Thanks to the implemented improvements, an satisfactory experience for end-users was achieved, enabling access to relevant and up-to-date information about restaurants that they were interested in.

Improvements to the usability of the platform also allowed editors to work more efficiently, resulting in time and resource savings for companies. All of this was achieved through research, information architecture, interface design, and usability work that enabled a more effective and efficient introduction of restaurant information on web pages.

The new platform's clear and organized interface, along with added restaurant-specific fields, has streamlined the information input process for editors. This has resulted in increased efficiency, job satisfaction, and improved end-product quality.

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